At AC Football Academy, we work extremely hard to provide every child with the best possible options to develop into a multi-dimensional and talented player.

Our coaching objective is to help players understand not just Australian football philosophy but to also be aware of international football standards. Our popular football tours provide players with an opportunity to expand their perception around the game and experience a different level of skill and growth. Over the years, we have conducted successful international tours in Europe in cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Milan and Genova among others.

player benefits

For the best results, this level of international exposure cannot be taught. It needs to be experienced.

Alex cobo

Our international football tours will help players identify the differences in football culture.

Assist players to work and perform under a different style of coaching.

Develop ‘real life’ skills of a full-time footballer.

Integrate a better understanding of what is required to make it into a team at the highest level.

Barcelona/Madrid - Spain Tour

Every year, the team at AC Football Academy selects a small group of talented players to attend an international football tour in Madrid & Barcelona, Spain. This invitation recognises your child as a dedicated and promising football player who would benefit from this extraordinary and life changing opportunity.

Let's start today